Saturday, October 28, 2017

November 4th Craft Fair Bartlett Elementary School, NH ~ 9 am - 1 pm!

Laura Guptill Jewelry will be at the Josiah Bartlett Elementary School for the Annual Bartlett Rec Craft Fair on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 2017, FROM 9 AM- 1 PM.
I hope you can join us and get some great quality shopping done and enjoy the start of the Holiday Season!

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Mountain Range Wedding Bands

Do you love to hike? Is it your passion? Consider having your favorite Mountain Range on your wedding band or maybe a ring as a celebration, a victory of having completed your personal goal!
I can use your digital photograph to hand draw your favorite range and hand saw each mountain peak in sterling silver or gold. These rings are handcrafted one at a time, with great respect for accuracy and detail. No casting done here, it is completely hand-fabricated in the old style tradition of goldsmithing.

Take a look at some of my favorites: